Deer & Big Game Processing (DVD)

With Brad Lockwood

Learn all Brad's advanced tips and techniques as he instructs using multiple camera angles and extreme close-ups how to properly field dress, prepare a taxidermy cape, skin, quarter, section and define primary muscle groups. Brad further explains the table cuts available from each primary muscle, basic sausage processing, grinding, and packaging. Several bonus features include segments on Chronic Wasting Disease and micro-organisms the home processor needs to be aware of.

Tired of the high cost of processing and having your wild game animals butchered on the same cutting blocks with thousands of others? Perhaps you want to further your current wild game processing knowledge. If so, this video is definitely for you. Take pride in the game you feed your family by processing it yourself. It's fun, easy and very rewarding.

Run Time: 3 full hours of knowledge
Deer & Big Game Processing (DVD)