Contains complete instructions about buying, handling, grading raw furs, including sizes, color, quality, all from a historical perspective. Trappers as well as fur buyers need this book. 366 pages, 160 illustations, 35 chapters.
Chapters Index
1. "Wild" and "Tame" Furs
2. Size, Color, Quality
3. Methods of Grading
4. The Inspection Room
5. Why Trappers Sell at Home
6. Buyers and Collectors
7. Buying and Selling
8. Speculating
9. Prices of Long Ago
10. Miscellaneous Information
11. Foxes - Black, Silver, Cross, Arctic
12. Foxes - Red, Grey, Kit or Swift
13. Mink
14. Muskrat
15. Skunk
16. Civet Cat
17. The Raccoon
18. Opossum
19. Wolves and Coyotes
20. Otter
21. Beaver
22. Bears - Black, Grizzly, Polar
23. Marten
24. Fisher
25. Lynx
26. Wild Cat or Bay Lynx
27. Cats - House and Ring Tail
28. Badger
29. Wolverine
30. White Weasel - Ermine
31. Sea Otter
32. Mountain Lion
33. Seals - Fur and Hair
34. Pelts, Hides, Skins
35. Roots - Ginseng and Golden Seal
Fur Buyer's Guide