Classified Ads
February 2025


MINK RAISING BY A R HARDING. Tells how to select breeding stock, selecting a location, housing and feeding of mother and young. Send $6.95 plus $5.00 postage & handling to: FUR-FISH-GAME Magazine, 2878 East Main St, Columbus, OH 43209. Order online along with all our other books, videos and other merchandise at www.furfishgame.com


FREE CATALOG: Chicks, turkeys, ducklings, goslings,guineas, gamebirds, bantams, equipment. Hoffman Hatchery, Box 129H, Gratz, PA 17030 www. hoffmanhatchery.com (717) 365-3694


FREE ONLINE originally printed in the 1930’s Herbert Lenon Trapping Books. The best trapping methods for coyote, fox, bobcat, raccoon, beaver, otter, mink, muskrat, skunk and weasel. Written by the most innovative trapper of the last century. www.lenonlures.com

CAMP & TRAIL METHODS BY E KREPS. How to erect tents and shelters, build permanent log camps, make hunting boats, canoes, skis, toboggans, pack baskets and trail sleds along with other information about camping equipment. Send $7.95 plus $5.50 postage & handling to: FUR-FISH-GAME Magazine, 2878 East Main Street, Columbus, OH 43209. Order online along with all our other books, videos, and merchandise at www.furfishgame.com


BUCKSKIN CLOTHING - moccasins, fur hats, primitive weapons, catalog $3.00. Tecumseh’s, 4 Liberty Lane, Cody, WY 82414

NYLON CHAPS AND JACKETS Tall Sizes, 4X and 5X in stock, for coon hunters, bird dog men and beaglers available at www.MarkZepp.com (574) 971-8371


PUDELPOINTER PUPPIES for sale. Pondside Kennel (574) 773-0357.


SPEARFISHING SUPPLIES. Frog gigs, spearheads, spear fishing supplies. Free catalog - call (570) 383-2083.



WANTED: DEER TAILS, squirrel tails prime .50 cents each, squirrel skins, pheasant tails, turkey feathers, beaver castors, many more byproducts needed. For price list: info@whitefoxfur-feather.com, (507) 869-3877. White Fox Fur & Feather Co, 300 Main St S, Pemberton, MN 56078.

DRESSED WILD FUR WAREHOUSE - 1 to 1,000 skins. Contact Mason (810) 705-7503.

WILDTHINGS FUR HATS S2471 Highway 131, LaFarge, WI 54639 Hats, mittens, earmuffs, headbands, anything you want made with your own fur or ours. Free brochure. (608) 625-4181 www.wildthingsfur.com


ML Knives Traditional Old School Forged Quality Carbon Steel www.ml-knives.com

PUMA KNIVES - Trademarked in Germany in 1769, celebrating our 255th year in business! Visit Puma Knife Company USA at www.pumaknifecompanyusa.com. Legendary German Steel blades for all uses from caping to camping to kitchen. Save 10% when you use Code FFG10.


STRATIFIED GINSENG SEED - Excellent quality, ready for planting 2024. Also, premium ginseng capsules, 100% pure ginseng, 100/520 gm per bottle $15.00 per bottle ppd. Barry Anker, 12396 Lover’s Lane, Caroline, WI 54928. (715) 853-7154.

GINSENG AND OTHER MEDICINAL PLANTS BY AR HARDING. A historical book of valuable information for growers as well as collectors of medicinal roots, barks, leaves and much more. Instructions on growing, cultivating marketing and recognizing ginseng, goldenseal, cohash, pokeweed wild cherry and many other valuable roots and herbs. Still one of our best selling books. Send: $11.95 plus $5.00 s&h to: FUR-FISH-GAME Magazine, 2878 E Main St, Columbus, OH 43209.


ALASKAN TRAPPING TOURS! Alpine Creek Lodge offers 10 to 30+ day trapping tours in very remote Alaska. Wolverine, lynx, and more. www.alpinecreeklodge.com or call (907) 398-9673.

LENON LURES - Serving Trapper’s continuously since 1924! FREE shipping offer on website. For dealer list, product and trapping information please visit www.lenonlures.com or email: john.chagnon@lenonlures.com (989) 876-2646.

TRAPPERS: Traps, parts, lures, books & dvds. Send $3.00 for catalog. Sterling Fur Company, 11268 Frick Road, Sterling, Ohio 44276.

WANTED: #6 Newhouse Bear Trap paying $2,000+. Greg Hovey, WV. slickpan5@gmail.com (802) 274-2705.


SPECIAL- F-F-G copies to fill issues missing from your collection. Call (614) 231-9585 for availability and pricing. Some issues are also availabe on our website www.furfishgame.com

INDIAN RELICS, B.C. - $1.00 for a color catalog. Indian, Box 246, Independence, KY 41051

QUALITY LEATHER RIFLE SLINGS. Monogramming available. Alligator wallets. Great gifts. Available at www.MarkZepp.com

PREHISTORIC INDIAN ARROWHEADS Found in Missouri Ozarks. Undamaged, Authentic. You will be pleased or money back. Richard’s Relic Shack 28821 Hwy Y Rocky Mount, Missouri 65072-2101 $47.50 plus $5.00 shipping gets 7 beauties.