Historical Books

Historical Books for Collectors, Trappers, Woodsmen and more... FUR-FISH-GAME's Harding Historical Books were originally published in the early 1900s.
Bee Hunting
By John R. Lockard - A book of very valuable information for both the amateur and professional. Gives info on early spring and fall hunting, hunting bee from sumac, facts about line of flight. 72 pages, 13 fact-filled chapters.
Camp and Trail Methods
By E. Kreps - How to erect tents and shelters, build permanent log camps, make hunting boats, canoes, skis, toboggans, and trail sleds, along with info about camping equipment and cooking. 273 pages with 68 illustrations.
Canadian Wilds
By Martin Hunter - The author was an employee of the Hudson Bay Company at the time of the Civil War. He tells the history of the Hudson Bay Company, Northern Indians and their ways of hunting, and trapping. 277 pages.
Deadfalls & Snares
By A.R. Harding - Splendid book on homemade traps, telling how and where to make, how to bait, and where to set. 218 pages, 28 chapters, 84 drawings and illustrations. Make your own traps and snares.
Fox Trapping
By A.R. Harding - How to trap fox: describes in detail, land, water and snow sets, making scents, baiting traps, snaring, and still hunting. Perfect for the beginner. 192 pages, 50 illustrations.
Fur Buyer's Guide
By A.R. Harding - Contains complete instructions about buying, handling, grading raw furs, including sizes, color, quality, all from a historical perspective. Trappers as well as fur buyers need this book. 366 pages, 160 illustations, 35 chapters.
Ginseng & Other Medicinal Plants
By A.R. Harding - Tells how to grow ginseng and goldenseal, among others. Illustrates and describes plants; also many other valuable roots and herbs. 386 pages, 100 illustrations. Still our best book after all these years!
Home Manufacture of Furs & Skins
By Albert S. Farnham - Explains how to make more money from your raw furs by tanning, dyeing and manufacturing. 283 pages, 34 chapters, 91 illustrations.
Mink Raising
By A.R. Harding - Tells how to select breeding stock, selecting a location, housing and feeding of mother and young, treament of disease. 222 pages.
Mink Trapping
By A.R. Harding - Reliable information on where and how to set, including land, water, blind sets, baits and scent to use, methods in Northern and Southern states, size and care of skins. 171 pages, 20 chapters, 50 illustrations.
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