Extreme Northern Bobcat Trapping and Snaring Methods

74 pages

Table of Contents



Section 1. The Bobcat (Lynx Cat)

Section 2. Preparing for the Northern cat ’line
A. Traps, snares
B. Use of drags, anchoring systems
C. Treatments for traps and snares: Dyeing (logwood, cold dips) and waxing; Baking soda (snares); Painting
D. Equipment and tools
E. Transportation: Trucks, ATV, snowmobile, snowshoes, skis, etc.

Section 3. Locations
A. Using Google Earth
B. Aerial photos and ground level photos

Section 4. Bobcat sets and methods (flagging and antifreeze)
A. Cubbies
B. Walk-through cubbies with a twist
C. Rub set
D. Trash pile
E. Dirt holes
F. Flat set
G. Blind set
H. Artificial cubby: Snares, foothold, bodygrippers
I. Olson minefield setups: Snares, foothold, bodygrippers

Section 5. Different types of flagging
A. Christmas garland and tinsel: Bobcats see some colors—Green, blue, purple B. Feathers, wings, fur: Check local state laws
C. CDs and pie tins
D. Surveyor's tape: Green and blue

Section 6. Bobcat attractants
A. Bobcat lures, bait, and urines: Gland; Curiosity; Food; Call
B. Bait; Beaver; Grouse, Duck, Goose, Fowl; Rabbit; Deer scraps (rib cages, bones, etc.); Check local state laws about baits
C. Urine and droppings; Bobcat; House cat (droppings)

Section 7. Fur handling
A. Skinning, stretchers
B. Stretching
C. Use of Borax

Section 8. Bonus...Fishers, Martens, Weasels
A. Sets: Ground, cubbies; Leaning poles; Rat traps/weasel boxes

Section 9. Conclusions
Extreme Northern Bobcat Trapping and Snaring Methods
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